Why choose a celebrant?

Why have a celebrant as opposed to the local registrars for your ceremony? That’s the first question many people ask us.

The answer is choice.

There are lots of restrictions to a civil or religious ceremony over what you can and cannot say and do. Such as, you can only be married in a registered building in a particular room that’s registered. Did you know that in England and Wales you can’t be married outside? The wedding has to take place under a permanent structure that’s registered. There can’t be any religious element to the ceremony at all including music and readings. There’re restictions on time and place, numbers of guests and more. There are legal vows you must say and things you can’t say and everything has to be approved.

Having worked for the Registration Service for many years we know what a fine job the local registrars do but we also know that their job is to make sure that the law is adhered to, that’s why they have to work to a strict formula. In fact your ceremony could be the third, fourth or even fifth that day for the registrar, whereas a celebrant will only book one ceremony a day so you can be sure of their full personal attention.

The joy of a celebrant led ceremony is all those restrictions go out the window. You can create a completely personal experience. For around £50 you can have a legal marriage at your local registry office a week or so before, with just you and two witnesses- takes about 15 minutes and is an office appointment. Then the fun begins!

You chose your special time and place, what you want to say and do. Say vows to each other in the garden, in your wellies with just the cat watching, or you don’t say anything at all. Sing the Alleluia Chorus with three hundred guests! Big or small, just about anything goes and we’re here to help.

